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Ages 12-24 months 

The room

When children are ready, at around 12 - 18 months, children will move to the Monkey room.  Children will progress through Nursery at their own pace depending upon both age and ability.


The child: staff ratio is one member of staff for every 3 children.


Monkeys have their own fully equipped playroom and dedicated doorway to their own secure play area.



The Monkey room fully implements the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework. The purpose of this framework is to provide support, information and guidance for all those who care for babies and young children and recognises their individuality, efforts and achievements.


The Monkey room children are encouraged to communicate, and their attempts at conversation are valued to ensure they receive an affirming experience, encouraging development, confidence and security. Our nursery environments also support social interaction, including role play, den making, and small group activities, encouraging children to play, talk and learn together.


Within this room the children are often referred to as Movers, Shakers and Players – at this age, children begin to show an increasing independence and obvious pleasure in moving, communicating and learning through play.


Our Monkey room offers many opportunities for their developmental needs. We also include various other activities such as arts and crafts, heuristic play, music and movement, exploratory areas and plenty of opportunity for free play both indoors and outside.


Various activities are provided throughout the day to enhance their development. These activities include painting, role play, singing, story time, craft, water play, sand play and cooking, all of which can be accessed indoors and outdoors.


Parent feedback

Daily diaries are completed and sent home at the end of each day. This information for parents includes sleep times, meals and snacks, drinks, nappy changes and what the children have been doing during the day.


Key person

Each child will be allocated their own “Key person”. This person will act as the crucial link between home and nursery and aid the settling in process by building a positive and trusting relationship for the child and their parents.



Parents are requested to provide formula milk for their child if it is required. We prepare each formula feed from fresh, which is following the current advice given by health visitors.


We are very flexible with regards to the nutritional needs of your child. We provide traditional home cooked meals that can be prepared to your own child’s individual needs.


Nap time

Some children come to us with an already established sleep routine whilst other children do not.  We are very happy to accommodate the wishes of parents based upon the needs of your child.


When toddlers need a rest or a nap, sleep mats with a fresh sheet every day are provided.


A typical day in Monkeys

The key areas worked on are:

  • Social skills: encourage children to explore and to be caring and welcoming towards each other.

  • Communication and Language: encourage young children to explore and imitate sounds.

  • Physical development: encourage children to move freely between indoors and outdoors.

  • Literacy: encourage and support children’s responses to picture books and stories read to them.

  • Number: beginning to categorise items and say some counting words.

  • Expressive arts and design: express self through physical action and sound.


Monkeys daily routine 2021





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