Covid-19 2023 update
COVID-19 presents a low risk to children and young people. This, combined with high vaccination rates in the population, means there are no longer specific government rules relating to COVID-19 in schools, colleges, childcare and other education settings.
However, Scallywags Nursery`s key priority at all times is the health, safely and wellbeing of the children in our care, their families and our staff. With this is light we are continuing to provide the following:
Hand sanitising stations in and outside the building.
Additional cleaning schedules to include the cleaning of the following every hour- high risk contact areas such as door handles & doors, toys and children`s resources, phones, light switches, taps, toilet flushes, countertops, shared PCs including children`s computers/ ipads.
Covid deep clean at the end of each day using fogging machines.
Regular handwashing by staff and children.
Good natural ventilation in all playrooms and corridors.
Ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the `catch it, bin it, kill it` approach to any coughs or sneezes.
We ask that if staff or children are unwell. they they remain at home and get better unless it is a very minor illness.